Difference Between Diffuser and Impeller (With Table)

Many discoveries have come along as a result of the growth and development of Science and Technology. Various types of machinery and devices have been invented by engineers and scientist that has become a useful commodity in our life. Diffuser and Impeller are the two creations that are used in the everyday life that provides us various benefits be it in the form of an air diffuser, aromatherapy, maintaining the force of water in the tank, or for the function of the washing machine this machine makes our work quick and easy.

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Diffuser and Impeller seems a smaller invention but they had made the life of people easy and comfortable, without these devices we will not be able to take in the fresh aromatic air or take the advantage of aromatherapy which provides several benefits to our body. Not only are that Diffusers are used in several other devices and automobiles that make their function smoother and easier. The Impeller on the other hand is the device that is situated in the centrifugal pump which helps to maintain the flow of water. It is also used in the washing machine and other devices that make the work of an individual easy and convenient.


  • https://asmedigitalcollection.asme.org/turbomachinery/article-abstract/125/1/173/446146
  • https://asmedigitalcollection.asme.org/fluidsengineering/article-abstract/123/3/466/452487