Difference Between Sale and Rent (With Table)

Nowadays, the financial balance is very important. Both selling and renting affect personal financial condition. Both selling and renting is a result of the economy, and they affect the economy at the same time. The owner gains money in both cases by utilising her/his possessions.

Sale vs Rent

The main difference between Sale and Rent is that sale is when you give up the possession of your property in exchange for money, and rent is when you lease your property in exchange for money on a monthly or yearly basis without giving up your ownership.

Sale is when you transfer the property you possess to someone else in exchange for money. This is a legal process, and after selling the property, you do not have any right over that piece of property. You no longer be the owner of that particular property. The person to whom you sell the property becomes the new owner.

Rent is when you lease your property to someone to use temporarily in exchange for money. The owner remains the same. Ownership is not sold in this case. After the use is over, the owner gets back the property. By renting a place, you do not get to own that property.

Comparison Table Between Sale and Rent

Parameters of Comparison




A sale is when an owner sells the possession of his/her property forever in exchange for money.

A rent is when you rent or lease a property for a short time being.


Owner changes in a sale.

The owner does not change in rent.


Selling includes more money than renting.

Renting includes less money than selling.


Selling is permanent. If you sell, you lose possession of that property forever.

Rent is temporal. Renting can be done for a few months or years.


The seller loses the ownership and the buyer gets the ownership.

The owner does not lose the ownership and the buyer does not get the ownership.

What is Sale?

Sale is a legal process of shifting the ownership. A seller sells any kind of property in exchange for money, and the buyer buys it by providing that money.

Sale is a permanent settlement. When a person sells any kind of property, that person loses any kind of rights and privileges over that property. The person who buys that property becomes the new owner and possess that property.

The buyer and her/his descendants enjoy that property for eternity unless they sell it to someone else.

Any kind of property can be sold. House, land, artefacts, any commodity or object can be subjected to be sold. Even intellectual properties can be sold.

After the sale, the sellers lose all the rights and liberties over the property. They can not call the property of theirs. They lose all kinds of responsibilities of that property as well. The buyer gets to decide everything about the property and is accountable for the property.

What is Rent?

Rent is leasing a property temporarily for the time being. Rent does not shift the ownership from the seller to the buyer. The owner remains the same after renting a property. The buyer just buys the rights over it limitedly and temporarily.

The owner and buyer sign a lease agreement that states all their demands and the time period of the lease and also mentions the amount of money for renting that property. Once that agreement expires, the buyer loses his rights over it and can not use it further. The lease agreement can be renewed if both the parties, owner and renter, agree to do so.

Renting a property, house, hall, products, or goods is possible. You can even rent a service. Renting is paying money to use someone else’s property. Renting can be for the short term or long term, but it is always temporary.

Renting is good for the environment as a product or property gets used more efficiently, which is better than generating other similar products. Sustainability is important in today’s day and time.

Main Differences Between Sale and Rent

  1. Selling is switching the ownership to the buyer. Whereas renting keeps the owner the same, the buyer takes a lease from the owner temporarily.
  2. The seller loses all kinds of rights over the property after selling. But after giving the property on rent, he/she does not lose the rights. The property still belongs to them. By giving to rent the property, they just give it to the buyer to use temporarily.
  3. The sale is for life long. You can not get it back unless the new owner sells it back to you. Rent is for a specific period of time, decided by seller and buyer.
  4. Selling a property includes more money than renting. By selling a property, the owner gets a lot of money depending on the type of the property. To rent, one needs less money. Renting a property is not very expensive, but again, the amount of money depends on the type of the property.
  5. After the sale, the buyers can get a loan against that property if they want, but after the rent, the buyer can not take a loan against that property as it does not belong to him/her.


Sale and rent both have their perks and cons. People mostly sell to obtain some money. By selling, the owner gives away his possession to receive cash. Whereas by permitting to rent, the owner also gets to enjoy the cash, but by giving it to rent, he/she does not lose the ownership over that property.

Selling a property brings more cash than giving it for rent, but if the utilisation is done for a long time, then even the rent can gain a lot of money to the owner.

Most owners sell their possessions because they can no longer be able to maintain those possessions or when they are in need of a huge amount of money urgently. And owners rent when they can maintain their possessions, but they are not making use of it. By giving it to rent, the owners enjoy the money, and their possessions benefit the renter simultaneously.


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  2. https://www.sid.ir/en/journal/ViewPaper.aspx?id=429781