Difference Between Tsunami and Hurricane (With Table)

Both tsunami and hurricanes are natural calamities that can make a disaster in the world within few minutes. Although, both the causes have totally different features and ways of spreading. A tsunami comes in a series of waves that are caused by the massive level of displacement in the water bodies, while a hurricane, on the other hand, is a storm with a very powerful effect.  

Talking of the origin of both the disasters, well, both of them are formed with totally different forces. Hurricanes are generally formed during warm months over the warm ocean bodies. Whereas tsunamis are formed by different underwater eruptions like- volcanic explosions, landslides, etc. 

Tsunami vs Hurricane 

The main difference between tsunami and hurricane is that the hurricane is a system of very large and disruptive storms that are generally formed in the warm months of the year over the warm oceanic bodies, while a tsunami, on the other hand, is a set of large and huge waves that are formed due to explosions under the water causing some vertical movements of the rocks.  

Tsunamis are formed due to the explosions under the water that causes vertical rock movements and forms huge waves of water together, making way for a tsunami. A tsunami can be caused by any underwater activity like- volcanic explosions, landslides under the water, etc. Basically, any disturbance, be it above the water or be it below the water, can cause a tsunami.  

Hurricane is a very powerful series of storms that are formed during the warm months over the warm water bodies. Hurricanes usually have a diameter of about 400-500 miles. The center of the hurricane is called the eye of the hurricane that can be about 20 miles. At the eye part of the hurricane, it is quite calm and smooth in the winds and has clear skies.  

Comparison Table Between Tsunami and Hurricane 

Parameters of Comparison  




Caused by any underwater activity like a volcanic explosion.  

Caused on warm water bodies that can give rise to huge winds.  


Tsunami generally occurs in the area of or near the Pacific Ocean. Chances of occurrence in the Pacific Ocean are about 80 percent.         

There is no specific area or region for hurricanes as they can take place anywhere. They are even known with different names in the different regions.  

Origin of the word  

The word tsunami has a Japanese origin. Where “Tsu” means the Harbour and “Nami” means waves.  

The word hurricane was originated in Australia in the 19th century.  


Tsunamis are strong tidal waves in the oceans and water bodies.  

Hurricanes are huge and disruptive winds in the atmosphere.  

What is it  

A tsunami is a set of large and huge waves that are formed due to explosions under the water, causing some vertical movements of the rocks.  

Hurricane is a system of very large and disruptive storms that are generally formed in the warm months of the year over the warm oceanic bodies   

What is Tsunami? 

Tsunamis are formed due to the explosions under the water that causes vertical rock movements and forms huge waves of water together, making way for a tsunami. A tsunami can be caused by any underwater activity like- volcanic explosions, landslides under the water, etc. Basically, any disturbance, be it above the water or be it below the water, can cause a tsunami. 

According to some researches, about 80 percent of the time, tsunamis occur in or around the area of the Pacific Ocean. The word tsunami has a Japanese origin. Where “Tsu” means the Harbour and “Nami” means waves.  

The waves of tsunami generally have small heights, but they are very long in the wavelength that can be offshore too. The wavelength of a tsunami can sometimes be even more than or equal to hundreds of kilometers. And this is the reason that the waves of a tsunami can be unnoticed in the sea and can cause great damage afterward.